Sunday, November 18, 2012

NGSPICE / gEDA startup

I have installed ngspice simulator and gEDA products over a CentOS5.8 virtual machine. I had problems installing it over debian and FreeBSD but CentOS is good so far.

I can draw the schematic of the circuits in gschem (schematic drawer of gEDA) and make a netlist from the given schem for importing into ngspice. The only trick is to assign reasonable netlist name, refdes, and value to each component in the schematic.  Here is a good tutorial that helped me to setup my first test.

The following includes my test2.cir based on the given example at this link:

1- The schematic is available here. This file can be opened by gschem platform. Please notice to "netlist name, refdes, and value" parameters for each component.

2-now it is time to convert the schematic file to a netlist for spice simulator. We can easily do this by running "gnetlis" command of gEDA:
       [xx@localhost yy]$ gnetlist -g spice -o test2.cir test2.sch

3- run ngspice simulator:
        [xx@localhost yy]$ ngspice

4- source test2.cir
        ngspice 1 -> source test2.cir

5- for AC frequency analysis with linear scaling, step size of 1000Hz, over 0.1Hz-250KHz frequency band (more details are available here):
        ngspice 2 -> ac lin 1000 0.1 250KHz

6- there are two nodes indicated by n1 and n2 in the schematic. We can plot the voltage of these nodes over the above mentioned frequency range:
        ngspice 3 -> plot v(n2)

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