Thursday, May 26, 2011

problems in installing TOR + Polipo on Centos

I did install TOR+Polipo on my Centos machine, however, the following problems came out during the installation process:

- TOR and POLIPO don't add themselves as Daemon to /etc/init.d/ directory; therefore it should be done manually as follows:

1- make "polipo" in /etc/init.d/ directory and give it excecution permission:
$ su
# vim polipo
---save polipo and exit (:wq)
# chmod +x polipo
2- insert the following code in polipo:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nice review on Wiener filter

Wiener filter is useful for signal estimation where the signal is stationary. For non-stationary signals, Kalman filter can be used. Download the overview from here.